Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A New Chapter

As a competitive runner (or coach of runners) in cross country and track, quickly it becomes apparent the longitudinal and cyclical patterns of your sport.  Each year growing and improving.  Each year getting older and wiser (hopefully), marching forward to graduation, to accomplished goals, to a career.  Within those years cycles.  Each track season leading to a cross country season.  Each cross country season leading to track.  Cross country with a brand new crop of runners and a focus on the team.  Tackling all sorts of terrain, and surfaces, running by feel.  Track - A focus on technique and much more individual.   Exact, precise - 400m at 70 seconds with 90 seconds rest, repeat until just before legs fall off.  Each different, each necessary.  This blog is my attempt to better analyze these pursuits.  To see where I've been, where I am, and ultimately where I'm going.

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